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Supporting The Health Foundation to develop policy recommendations for action as part of the young people’s future health inquiry


We are delighted to have been selected as one of seven organisations to help The Health Foundation develop policy recommendations for action as part of the Young people’s future health inquiry.

Throughout 2017 and 2018 the Health Foundation conducted research and engagement across the UK to understand the influences affecting the future health of young people aged 12-24. The inquiry sought to understand the ability young people have to access the core building blocks of health – a place to call home, secure and rewarding work, and supportive relationships with their friends, family and community. The Health Foundation has selected seven expert organisations to provide a deep dive into these building blocks of health. Each of the expert organisations below will be exploring how they impact on young people’s lives and develop recommendations for action. The final recommendations will be published by the Health Foundation in the Autumn.
Across the fives sites which formed the basis of The Health Foundation's A place to grow report, young people discussed the value they gain from youth services, including in developing skills they were not able to develop in an educational setting, along with the emotional support they received from their peers and service staff. While those working in youth services described the difficult choices they were having to make in an environment of reduced funding. The Centre for Youth Impact will investigate the current challenges and opportunities that youth services are facing, the impact these changes are having on young people's health, and will provide recommendations for action. For more information, please contact