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Relational Impact Leadership

Impact leadership is often characterised by leading through relationships rather than through positions of power. The resources in this area of the hub will help you to create the changes you need at work through these relationships.


This PDF is a simple guide to relational leadership: ​


This is a very short introduction to the topic of relational leadership: ​


This second video is more comprehensive overview of relational leadership from a YouthTEDx: ​


TASK: To what extent do you think you are ‘relational’ in your work as an impact leader? What do you do that fits into the five areas of impact leadership? How could this model help you to leverage change more fully in your workplace?​

Tools and tips

This article gives tips on how to lead in a VUCA world:


TASK: How do these ideas compare to those you generated yourself? ​

Kotter’s website outlines the skills needed by leaders to achieve his eight steps of change management:

TASK: Consider which of these skills you think you have and which you need to develop. Write a plan for how to develop them.​

This PDF is a guide to Michael Fullen’s model of educational change: ​

TASK: Evaluate whether this educational model of change is better aligned to youth provision than the corporate models from Lewin and Kotter. If you do prefer it, how would you use it in your leadership practice?​


This toolkit by Berkely University offers a comprehensive guide: ​


And here is a UK version from the LGA: ​

TASK: What are the most useful tools in these packs and how will you implement them in your workplace?​

This checklist might help you to reflect on your change leadership skills: ​